Foot Conditions & Problems

We are dedicated to providing you with free education and resources! We have found that many foot ailments can be alleviated, reversed and prevented when the foot is allowed to be in natural alignment. Natural and conservative treatment options are outlined for each of the common conditions and problems found in the list to the left.

Other Conditions

Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendinopathy is a degeneration of collagen fibers within the Achilles tendon, causing localized pain.


Achilles Tendinopathy can be caused by a variety of factors, including;

  • Trauma
  • Rapid increases in training volume and/or intensity
  • Rapid transition into new footwear
  • Certain antibiotics or corticosteroids,
  • Tight calf muscles
  • Rubbing and irritation from hard heel counters in footwear
  • The use of conventionally shaped, tapered footwear
Signs and Symptoms
  • Pain and stiffness along the Achilles tendon, primarily in the morning and following use
  • Increased pain following exercise
  • Achilles tendon thickening
  • Observable changes in gait

The Achilles tendon is comprised of two muscles, the Gastrocnemius, and the Soleus. There are nine other lower leg muscles that travel from the calf and shin and insert lower on the foot and out to the toes. By strengthening and supporting surrounding musculature, we can off-load the overworked Achilles tendon to foster recovery. Conservative treatment for Achilles Tendinopathy includes:

  • A slow, gradual transition to naturally shaped footwear that is level (zero-drop), and widest at the ends of the toes. This will place all the lower leg muscles back into their natural length-to-tension relationship.
  • Correct Toes will ensure proper toe alignment, optimizing circulation and encouraging balance.
  • Rest or reduction in activity
  • Eccentric stretching and strengthening
  • Massage
  • Physical Therapy
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Hydrotherapy


There are several types of Arthritis, and all forms manifest as joint pain.

  • Osteoarthritis: A form of degenerative joint disease from wear and tear, causing cartilage to become worn and frayed. The most common type of arthritis effecting feet and ankles.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune condition, symptoms are commonly located in toes or forefoot.
  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis: May occur after an injury to the foot or ankle. Can develop years following a fracture or severe ligament sprain.

Numerous factors including wear, autoimmune and trauma. Contributing factors include advanced age, bone deformity, muscle imbalances, obesity, sedentary living, and a family history of this condition. Associated health conditions like diabetes, Paget’s disease, and underactive thyroid may also increase your likelihood of developing arthritis.

Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms associated with foot and ankle arthritis include:

  • Joint pain, tenderness and stiffness
  • Crepitus, or grating and popping
  • Swelling
  • Deformity and instability

There is no cure, although there are many treatment options available to manage symptoms, maintain quality of life, and avoid surgery. Possible treatment techniques include:

  • Transition to naturally shaped footwear that is flat, flexible and widest at the ends of the toes
  • Correct Toes toe spacers for arthritis to improve circulation, alignment, and flexibility of your toes
  • Lifestyle changes (exercise, diet, sleep, weight loss)
  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical Therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Braces
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritional supplementation or Anti-inflammatory medications

Athlete’s Foot

Mild breakdown of the skin due to fungus, also known as Tinea Pedis.


Contrary to common belief, Athlete’s Foot is not contagious. The bug that causes the skin to break down is everywhere throughout our environment. Skin only breaks down with reduced immunity, genetic/hereditary factors, and if barrier is exposed to warm, dark, moist environments, like within footwear.

Signs and Symptoms

Red or white itchy rash on the bottoms of feet and between toes. May cause skin to flake, crack or peel.


One of the most important factors in treating and preventing athlete’s foot is creating a foot environment that is light and dry, not dark, warm, and damp. Socks made of newer synthetic materials may help wick moisture away from your skin, which helps inhibit fungal invasion. Toe spacers  for athlete’s foot can also help with your overall foot health. 

For medical treatment, topical over-the-counter antifungal medicines like Terbinafine can be very effective. Occasionally, Athlete’s Foot can be caused by bacteria, and may require antibiotic treatment. Talk to your natural health care provider about safe topical treatments, and ways to improve your immune system health.

Bursitis (Infracalcaneal)

Inflammation of a bursa, or fluid filled sac


Bursas can form and become inflamed throughout the body. This is typically due to local irritation, trauma, friction and prolonged repetitive movements can cause pain

Signs and Symptoms

Pain and inflammation commonly develop under the heel bone (infracalcaneal), or behind the heel bone (retrocalcaneal). Common signs and symptoms associated with infracalcaneal bursitis include:

  • Pain or ache in the middle part of the underside of your heel
  • Pain or discomfort that increases with prolonged weight-bearing activities
  • Pain and swelling under the heel
  • Redness under the heel

Long term recovery and prevention can be achieved by changing footwear to naturally shaped, flat and flexible. Common conservative treatment options include;

  • Temporary Rest
  • Heel Cups/Cushions
  • Natural Anti-Inflammatories

Corns & Calluses

Thickened or hardened skin. Calluses are found on the bottom of the foot, while Corns are found on and between toes.


Friction and pressure due to;

  • Ill-fitting shoes or socks
  • Sock bunching or socks that possess seams near your toes
  • Prolonged physical labor
  • Certain athletic events that place significant stress on your feet
Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms associated with corns and calluses include:

  • Areas of thick, elevated and hardened skin
  • Flaky, dry, or waxy skin
  • Localized pain or tenderness

Reducing localized friction or pressure will help prevent additional callus or corn formation. It is imperative that footwear be naturally shaped and not squeezing the toes (TIP: wear toe spacers for corns and calluses). 

Treatment for existing calluses can include:

  • Pumice Stone
  • Manual trimming and filing
  • Over-the-counter chemical softeners


This inability to regulate blood sugar levels.


Both dietary, lifestyle and genetic factors can impact and cause diabetes. Certain factors may increase your likelihood of developing diabetes, including:

  • Excessive body weight
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • A family history of this condition
  • Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Elevated blood pressure
Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms associated with diabetes include:

  • Prolonged healing time for surface sores and skin irritation
  • Increased thirst, hunger, and urination
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Vision changes
  • Frequent infections
  • Neuropathy

Many treatment options exist to control and manage Diabetes. It’s important to speak with a doctor regarding dietary and lifestyle changes. In regards to Diabetes and foot concerns, it’s important to examine feet daily, both the bottom of feet and between toes. Ensuring that footwear is flat, flexible and widest at the ends of the toes will help prevent toe compression and skin irritation.

Fibroma (Plantar)

Irregular nodule of collagen fibers within the connective tissue of the plantar fascia


As stress is placed on the plantar fascia, the tissue can undergo small tears. The body rapidly lays down collagen fibers to repair damage, typically in an irregular and erratic way causing tissue to bulge. The plantar fascia can be stressed within conventionally shaped footwear that elevates the heel and the toes, keeping the plantar fascia in a chronically stressed and lengthened position. With repeated stress, the plantar fascia continues this tear/repair process, increasing the size of the nodule slowly over time.

Signs & Symptoms

Deep, occasionally painful bump(s) along the bottom of the foot, or medial longitudinal arch. A physician can confirm the condition via palpation, biopsy or via MRI.


Conservative measures can help reduce the pain and discomfort of a plantar fibroma. The most common non-surgical approaches to treating plantar fibromas include:

  • Naturally shaped footwear to help distribute bodyweight more appropriately across the foot bones and joints. We generally recommend footwear that is completely flat (without heel elevation or toe spring), widest at the ends of the toes, lightweight, and flexible.
  • Metatarsal Pads
  • Toe Extensor Stretch
  • Acupuncture
  • Topical Verapamil Creams

Flat Feet

When the entire bottom surface of the foot contacts the ground, also known as Pes Valgus or Pes Planovalgus.


Flat Feet are linked to both genetic and environmental factors, such as exposure to conventionally shaped footwear. Footwear that elevates and pushes the big toe out of alignment (ie. almost every athletic shoe and all dress shoes), destabilizes the medial longitudinal arch. Individuals with flexible or less resilient soft tissues will experience increased over-pronation with the integrity of the arch destabilized, causing the arch to permanently fall. Flat feet may be caused by numerous factors or other health problems. Possible causes of this foot condition include:

  • Neuromuscular disorders (e.g. cerebral palsy)
  • Conditions causing extremely flexible soft tissues
  • Tight Achilles tendons (also known as equinogenic flatfoot)
  • Tendon injury or illness
  • Regular use of footwear with tapered toe boxes and heel elevation
  • Carrying excessive body weight

Signs & Symptoms

Typically a painless condition, although more extreme cases may affect lower limb structural alignment, gait, biomechanics and posture. If left unchecked, can lead to abnormal leg alignment and be the indirect cause of ongoing musculoskeletal pain. Some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with flat feet include:

• Foot pain caused by long periods of standing
• Decreased ability to stand on your toes
• Aches in your heel or arch
• Swelling along your medial longitudinal arch
• Decreased ability to participate in certain sports or athletic activities

Natural Remedies & Treatment

Treatment depends on the cause and symptoms. Conservative measures can help strengthen and align soft tissues. The most common approaches include:

  • Naturally shaped footwear to help distribute bodyweight more appropriately and allow muscles to strengthen
  • Strengthening exercises of the foot and lower leg
  • Flat feet toe spacers to splint the big toe and foster arch strengthening
  • Temporary us of arch supports. While placing the arch in an improved position, long term or chronic use causes muscle atrophy, rendering the foot weak and dependent.

Friction Blisters

Skin irritation


Friction from shoes or clothing repeatedly rubbing against skin, causing the outermost layers to separate from the inner layers. Lymph fluid fills the area between separated skin, causing local discomfort or pain.

Signs and Symptoms

Fluid filled blisters can present as irritated or raised portions of the skin, and may be associated with any of the following signs or symptoms;

  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Joint pain

By reducing pressure and friction, blisters can recover and be prevented. Proper shoe fit is key to eliminating blister formation.

Fungal Toenail Infection

Also known as onychomycosis, a condition where fungi grow under and within toe nails.


The same fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot is also responsible for causing Fungal Toe Nails. Fungi are found throughout our environment on surfaces, within homes, and on skin. Fungi thrive within moist, dark, and humid environments, such as within footwear. There is a considerable genetic link for fungus to impact your tissues, or in other words, fungal toe nails are NOT contagious to an individual who does not carry this genetic predisposition. Prevalence of fungal toe nails may increase with co-morbidities like Diabetes, conditions causing compromised immune systems, and decreased circulation.

Signs and Symptoms

Thickened, and discolored toenails that may appear yellow, white, streaky, or opaque.


Seeing as the fungus lives under the nail bed, it is important to trim, and thin as much as the nail as possible. This can be accomplished with nail clippers, Emory boards, or professional debridement in a Podiatric clinic. Once thin, apply antifungal topical creams under occlusion to the nail bed, nightly. If the fungal nail is not thinned, clipped or debrided, topical therapy will be largely ineffective.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown nails can develop if the edges of the nail grows into the surrounding skin.


Pressure is always to blame for ingrown nails. External pressure from tight socks, and improperly fitted or shaped footwear, toes and toe nails are subjected to mild and consistent pressure. Throughout years, this pressure can change the shape, thickness and architecture of nails, increasing likelihood of nails being compressed into the skin surrounding the nail.

Signs and Symptoms

The following signs and symptoms may be associated with an ingrown toenail:

  • Pain and tenderness along one or both sides of your nail
  • Redness around your involved area
  • Swelling around your affected toenail
  • Infection of the tissue surrounding your involved toenail

Conservative treatment for ongoing nail health involves the use of footwear with adequate room around the toes, and a toe box that is widest at the ends of the toes.


Metatarsalgia is the medical term for painful metatarsals, commonly described as central forefoot or ball-of-foot pain, and is really more of a symptom than a diagnosis. Metatarsalgia as a diagnosis is a generalized method to state where pain is originating, but provides no information about the cause or source of the condition. Metatarsalgia can be thought of as an “umbrella” term for many conditions including (but not limited to) capsulitis, bursitis, compressive neuritis, interdigital neuroma, stress fractures, hammertoes, arthritis, sesamoiditis, plantar plate tear, callus, plantar keratosis, ligament sprains and muscle/tendon strains.


Footwear with an elevated heel and rigid toe spring will focus pressure onto the balls of the feet at the MTP joints. Pairing these footwear features with a tapered toe box that compresses the toes together and excessively soft cushioning will cause the central forefoot to sink deeper into the shoe, focusing pressure through the midline of the foot. Much of the available conventional footwear, especially athletic shoes, are designed with all of these features that destabilize the forefoot by preventing the toes from fully functioning.
Often after many years of wearing footwear with these unfortunate features, the foot can lose its stable tripod base and wide toe splay while developing weaknesses and deficiencies in the ability to move and use the toes. When this happens, being barefoot or in more natural footwear becomes much more of a challenge to the foot. This is why metatarsalgia is a common problem when transitioning from maximalist and supportive shoes that aren’t shaped like feet towards more minimalist and less supportive natural footwear.


Depending on the more specific diagnosis, metatarsalgia can respond well to conservative, non-surgical treatments. Best treated in its early stages to help improve your affected joint’s stability, reduce your pain and other symptoms, and resolve the root cause of your problem. Common treatment strategies for this health problem include:

  • Rest
  • Taping or splinting
  • Toe Extensor Stretch
  • Metatarsal Pads
  • toe-spacer like Correct Toes to increase volume and space between the toes.
  • Naturally shaped footwear that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes, and flexible.

Peripheral Arterial Disease

A common circulatory systemic condition involving the accumulation of calcium, fat, and cholesterol within arteries.


PAD can be associated with many health problems, inducing elevated blood sugar or high blood pressure.

Signs and Symptoms

Increased accumulation of material in arteries decreases local blood flow causing a variety of signs and symptoms, including;

  • Pain or Numbness
  • Aching
  • Skin color and temperature changes due to decreased perfusion to skin
  • Diminished or absence pulse in lower extremities

Individuals suffering from PAD will benefit from positive lifestyle choices including blood pressure reduction, blood sugar reduction, and smoking cessation. Please consult your healthcare professional.

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

PTTD, Also known as acquired flat foot and is one of the leading causes of flat feet among adults.


When the tibialis posterior muscle or tendon becomes sufficiently weak or stretched , it may no longer be able to resist arch collapse. When arch collapse occurs, it will be difficult to raise up on toes, or you may feel excruciating pain in your arch.

Signs and Symptoms

PTTD has numerous signs and symptoms, including:

  • Mid-foot tenderness that is worse during certain activities
  • Arch collapse and flat foot on your affected side
  • Pain and swelling on the inside aspect of your ankle
  • Foot and ankle weakness
  • Impaired ability to stand on your toes
  • Pain that gradually develops on the outer aspect of your foot or ankle

Other conservative treatment measures include:

  • Naturally shaped footwear that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes, and flexible. This will allow for natural alignment and relative relaxation of the tibialis posterior muscle and tendon.
  • Correct Toes to help naturally position the Hallux, stabilizing the arch and preventing
  • overpronation
  • Immobilization within a short-leg cast or boot can allow your tendon to heal
  • Physical therapy may help rehabilitate your tendon


Arterial vasospasm reduces blood flow to the distal extremities, including the toes.


Raynauds is largely idiopathic, but can also be associated or triggered with exposure to cold temperatures or stress levels.

Signs and Symptoms

In addition to cold toes, an individual with Raynaud’s may also experience:

  • Pain in the affected digits or area
  • Changing skin color to white, red, blue, or purple
  • Swelling, Numbness or stinging
  • Decreased sensation

Treatment of Raynaud’s may fall on a broad spectrum of lifestyle changes, like smoking or caffeine cessation, maintaining regular exercise, and controlling stress levels. Conservative treatment may include:

  • Warming the extremities in a gentle warm water soak
  • Managing heat by wearing warm socks
  • Ensuring that footwear is non-restrictive and does not compress blood vessels, pinch or bind the toes.
  • Wearing Correct Toes to spread the toes, to help reduce compression forces on the small arteries that branch at the ball of the foot and deliver blood to the toes.


An irritation, mal-alignment or fracture of the sesamoids, the small free-floating bones at the distal end of the 1st Metatarsal.


Sesamoids can be injured from blunt trauma, or overuse. Conventional footwear plays an important role in aggravating the sesamoids. Shoes with tapered toe boxes and toe spring cause the sesamoids to deviate from their aligned grooves, causing dysfunction. (Click here for a video demonstration of this phenomenon). When your Hallux, or big toe, is properly aligned with your first metatarsal bone, your sesamoids are also properly aligned and function as they’re intended to.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with sesamoiditis include:

  • Pain localized under the big toe, or ball of foot
  • Swelling or bruising
  • Impaired ability to bend or straighten your big toe

Injured or inflamed sesamoid bones are difficult to heal as sesamoids are under pressure throughout standing and gait. Conservative treatment techniques include:

  • Naturally shaped footwear that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes, and flexible. Flat footwear will decrease ball of foot pressure, allowing for natural alignment of the toes.
  • Correct Toes, a toe spacer for sesamoiditis to help naturally position the Hallux, pulling the sesamoids back into their natural grooves.
  • Drastic cases may require immobilization of the affected foot in a cast or removable walking boot.

Sever’s Disease

An irritation, mal-alignment or fracture of the sesamoids, the small free-floating bones at the distal end of the 1st Metatarsal.


Sesamoids can be injured from blunt trauma, or overuse. Conventional footwear plays an important role in aggravating the sesamoids. Shoes with tapered toe boxes and toe spring cause the sesamoids to deviate from their aligned grooves, causing dysfunction. (Click here for a video demonstration of this phenomenon). When your Hallux, or big toe, is properly aligned with your first metatarsal bone, your sesamoids are also properly aligned and function as they’re intended to.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with sesamoiditis include:

  • Pain localized under the big toe, or ball of foot
  • Swelling or bruising
  • Impaired ability to bend or straighten your big toe

Injured or inflamed sesamoid bones are difficult to heal as sesamoids are under pressure throughout standing and gait. Conservative treatment techniques include:

  • Naturally shaped footwear that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes, and flexible. Flat footwear will decrease ball of foot pressure, allowing for natural alignment of the toes.
  • Correct Toes, a toe spacer for sesamoiditis to help naturally position the Hallux, pulling the sesamoids back into their natural grooves.
  • Drastic cases may require immobilization of the affected foot in a cast or removable walking boot.

Tailor’s Bunion

Also known as a bunionette, is the minor dislocation of the 5th toe off the 5th metatarsal, exposing the end of the 5th metatarsal.


Use of inappropriately sized footwear, or footwear with narrow toe boxes, pushing the 5th toe out of natural alignment.

Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms associated with a tailor’s bunion include:

  • Local Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Tailor’s bunion-related symptoms can be exacerbated by the use of footwear with a narrow toe box.

Most Tailor’s Bunions can be treated conservatively by restoring proper alignment of the 5th toe. Strategies include:

  • Avoidance of footwear that squeezes or pinches your forefoot.
  • Use of footwear that is widest at the ends of the toes, flat and flexible.
  • Correct Toes to help place the fifth toe in a proper alignment with the fifth metatarsal. With regular use in anatomically shaped footwear, wearing toe spacers for tailor’s bunion can reduce its formation.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

The tarsal tunnel is a space located below the medial malleolus (boney prominence) on the inside of the ankle. If compressed, the tendons, vasculature and nerves running through this area can become irritated or damaged, causing a variety of symptoms.


Anything that increases pressure on the tarsal tunnel area, such as improperly fitted footwear, poor biomechanics, cysts or tumors, imflammation, or direct trauma.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with tarsal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Foot, ankle, and toe muscle weakness
  • Foot pain
  • Burning, numbness, or other unusual sensations in your foot

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrom can be Swapping your conventional shoes with anatomically appropriate models may be one of the most effective treatment (and prevention) strategies for this health problem. Beneficial shoes are completely flat (no heel elevation, no toe spring), lightweight, flexible, and feature a toe box that’s widest at the ends of the toes. Realigning your toes using Correct Toes and foot-healthy footwear will help minimize or eliminate excessive foot pronation and reduce the tension of your flexor retinaculum on your tibial nerve and other structures passing through your tarsal tunnel. Also helpful is regularly stretching your big toe away from your second toe.

Other beneficial conservative treatment strategies include cold therapy, rest, physical therapy, and natural anti-inflammatory agents. Always follow your doctor’s treatment recommendations for this health problem.


The inflammation of a specific tendon or tendon sheath.


Numerous factors may contribute to or cause tendinitis, including:

  • Strain, degeneration, or rupture of the involved tendon
  • Foot abnormalities, such as flat feet
  • Tight tendons, or tendon contracture
  • Improper training increases, or changes in training terrain
Signs and Symptoms

The localized response of inflammation within and around an affected tendon is associated with several noticeable physical symptoms, including:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Heat
  • Decreased tendon function

Noninvasive, conservative care treatment of tendonitis includes:

  • Relative Rest (avoiding prolonged activity or movements that exacerbate symptoms)
  • Use of footwear that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes, and flexible
  • Use of Correct Toes to help broaden the base of support, encourage lower leg stability.

With extended wear, Correct Toes can help to strengthen and align surrounding musculature, offloading areas prone to stain.

Warts (Plantar)

The inflammation of a specific tendon or tendon sheath.


Numerous factors may contribute to or cause tendinitis, including:

  • Strain, degeneration, or rupture of the involved tendon
  • Foot abnormalities, such as flat feet
  • Tight tendons, or tendon contracture
  • Improper training increases, or changes in training terrain
Signs and Symptoms

The localized response of inflammation within and around an affected tendon is associated with several noticeable physical symptoms, including:

  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Heat
  • Decreased tendon function

Noninvasive, conservative care treatment of tendonitis includes:

  • Relative Rest (avoiding prolonged activity or movements that exacerbate symptoms)
  • Use of footwear that is flat, widest at the ends of the toes, and flexible
  • Use of Correct Toes to help broaden the base of support, encourage lower leg stability.

With extended wear, Correct Toes can help to strengthen and align surrounding musculature, offloading areas prone to stain.