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6 Benefits of Wearing Foot Shaped Shoes [Foot Health Matters]


How did our ancestors effortlessly tread diverse terrains? We mentioned in our previous blog, the natural foot function was built to do so. Our foot structure is complex and made up of ligaments, muscles, tendons, and bones all working in unison to carry all of our body weight. Often we forget how complex our different body functions are.

Realistically, walking around barefoot everyday is impractical. This is why we avoid the term ‘barefoot shoes’. The reason why is because it is an oxymoron, you either have shoes on or you don’t. We understand it is a fun term and the industry has coined it to be the ‘go to’ term for a more natural shoe. We ask those to also refer to these shoes as: foot shape, zero drop, natural footwear, or functional footwear. This way we can really support those in getting the shoe fit for their foot.

Overtime, we’ve developed unique sneakers and designer heels for styling purposes, but what we are doing is constricting our feet almost like a hogtie. You can feel it at the end of the day, when you get home, kick your shoes off, and slip into some slippers that are soft and comforting around the feet. Ladies, we ask you this, count how often you’ve carried an extra pair of shoes on days where you know you’ll be wearing heels? We can imagine how uncomfortable walking more than an hour in a pair can make your feet. At some point, foot comfort becomes a higher priority than style.

Believe us when we tell you, our ancestors had it right. You can reclaim that deep-rooted connection between your feet and the Earth. Research and countless glowing testimonials have revolutionized the natural shoe movement. As fun as running around in the grass or the mud barefoot may sound, the movement has connected tradition with science in understanding our feet still need to be connected to the Earth.

When you slip on a pair, you’re opting for a healthier, happier foot life. It’s almost a throwback to simpler times but backed by modern-day science.

Minimalist Grading Scale

  • Minimalist Solesnatural footwear have thin soles that enhance terrain sensitivity for a more immersive walking or running feel.
  • Zero Drop Design – Unlike traditional shoes with elevated heels, these foot shape shoes maintain a flat profile, aligning with the foot’s natural position.
  • Foot Shape Toe Box – These shoes offer a roomy toe area, ensuring comfort and natural toe splay.
  • Natural Materials -Prioritizing breathable, natural materials
  • Flexibility – More adaptable than conventional footwear, allows natural foot movement, echoing our ancestral walking pattern.

Take one look, a foot shaped shoe promotes the design of how our feet are supposed to look and helps us improve our bond with the earth in each step.

Why should you care?

We already know the foot conditions and concerns, but you should care because just like a routine check up, this is your health we are talking about. Overtime symptoms will worsen like an untreated wound. Why let the wound bleed slowly, when there are options to treat and prevent that wound from opening again? The goal is to make everyday activities easier, and less painful the older we get.

There are countless other benefits to not just switching but taking a proactive approach to foot care overall and we address some of those below:

1. Improved Foot Strength and Flexibility

Traditional shoes often have a thick sole and cushioning. Yes, this may feel more comfortable, but what happens is your feet are essentially aided by a crutch. So over time with daily use, your feet have not been utilizing all the intricate muscles leading to foot weakness and diminished strength in the foot muscles. Now on the flipside, after a while your feet become dependent on the extra cushion. Which is why we tell people, if you are transitioning to a natural shoe, decrease the intensity in some of your more intense activities (running, training, etc.).

Your feet need to regain strength now so what happens? First, we say let’s look at the toes. Do your toes splay naturally or are they slightly narrow? If they are narrow, we want to begin with toe stretches and work towards wearing toe spacers to improve splay. At this time, it would be good to find a good transition shoe. We want to refrain from overworking the muscles before they are ready to carry such a heavy task which in turn can lead to an injury.

Once your feet begin to adapt, you can gradually increase back to higher intensity activities. We want to get you back to the same level and better, but this time with stronger and healthier feet. Because now your feet no longer need to depend on a thick cushion and are strong enough to withstand the body weight in those training sessions.

There are a number of options we recommend for natural footwear and you can find them on our website at:

2. Better Balance and Posture

What’s the goal here? Stand tall and confident?

Every step can feel more grounded and secure with practice and consistency.

As we segway into balance and posture. We must note again how traditional shoes are one of the primary causes. We talked about diminished foot strength and now when you begin to make the transition you will probably notice a shift in your balance.

Why is that? Look at it as if you had been walking around on crutches, and suddenly the crutches were removed from under your arms. Your balance will be wacky and this is the same thing that happens when you switch from traditional shoes to a foot shape shoe. Which is why we outlined the importance of taking things slow because your body is adjusting and you are now working muscles that have not been worked in quite some time. Which leads us to part of the next phase.

3. Reduced Risk of Injuries

As we build the strength in our feet you begin to realize, foot health is more than avoiding blisters or sore spots.

What you’ll do is look at it in its totality. How can we reduce the risk of injuries? By distributing pressure and weight evenly across our feet. We’ve now decreased pressure and strain and your body no longer needs to overcompensate.

Many fail to realize, our feet play a pivotal role in other areas where some of our ailments may be found such as our lower back, spine, knees, and hips. So, by improving the foot strength we help alleviate some of these other nagging pains.

4. Toe Vigor and Control while nurturing the leg muscles and achilles tendon

Everyone loves a good baby story. If you or someone you know has a baby, we ask you to take a moment and notice if you’ve seen them grip items with their toes? At the moment we think it’s so adorable and silly, but in actuality that’s because our toes are designed to be robust and dynamic. How many times have you been dressing your baby and somehow their shoes end up on the floor or somewhere not on their feet? Two things, 1.) that’s them maximizing the potential of their toes but 2.) a message to the parent “my feet are not comfortable in these shoes!”

Your foot has an intricate anatomy. Over time, restrictive shoes diminish this natural strength. As the older you get the harder the transition may be because of how long you’ve constrained your feet. But the switch needs to happen because what’s the alternative? Constant pain, poor balance, improper posture. All of those do not sound fun in the long run and don’t keep telling yourself you’ll deal with it when you can solve the problem easily.

5. Foot arch and shock absorption

The foot arch is a marvel of engineering. Our balance is practically predicated on our arch while moving, bearing weight, and absorbing the shocks of our daily movements.

In one glance, observe how much cushion your shoe has. The overuse of these cushions does more harm as they can weaken our arches over time.

A foot shape minimalist design doesn’t coddle the foot but rather challenges it, much like how exercising tones our muscles. As wearers consistently use these shoes, they’ll likely notice a boost in their foot arch strength. This empowerment isn’t merely about posture or aesthetics; a strong arch plays a crucial role in effective shock absorption.

With every step, jump, or run, strong arches disperse the forces properly, protecting not only the feet but also the joints and muscles further up the body.

In essence, this minimalist footwear provides a foundation for our feet to function at their peak, ensuring that every step is taken with confidence and support.

6. Decreases joint stiffness whilst alleviating back discomfort to promote pain free motion.

We discussed earlier but no one wants to suffer through back pain. Everyday we hear and read stories on how much better one’s whole body feels after joining the journey to happy toes and healthy feet. Lower back pain is a common ailment, often aggravated by poor posture caused by footwear.

Those raised heels in conventional shoes? They can push the body forward, leading to a compensatory arch in the back. Over time, this unnatural posture can strain muscles and lead to discomfort.

In contrast, natural footwear champions a natural, flat design. This allows wearers to stand and move with their spine in a more neutral position, reducing the risk of backaches.

Beyond just posture, the way we walk can also be a source of pain. By promoting a stride that emphasizes landing on the ball of the foot, functional footwear can mitigate some common issues tied to the traditional heel-to-toe walking.

For many, this switch can mean the difference between a pain-riddled run and a comfortable jog.