Relieving Foot Pain and Restoring Alignment for 25 Years

Anatomical toe spacers designed by sports podiatrist, Dr. Ray McClanahan. Correct Toes is the only kind of toe spacers that can be worn barefoot or inside approved footwear, while being active.


"I won the 2014 Bighorn Mountain 50 miler. Because of Correct Toes, my feet don’t get sore at all during ultra marathons, my feet are stronger and more resilient."

Damian Stoy

Ultradistance Runner

"Just to let you know, I have been battling with a broken toe and sore metatarsals for a while and the Correct Toes works wonderful. I ran my best 10k recently!"

Zola Pieterse

Olympian and Former Cross Country World Champion

"Patients state that they feel the benefits of the product immediately. I find that patients with forefoot pathology…hammertoes, neuromas, and metatarsalgia…benefit the most. I do see the benefit of a stronger more efficient foot that is obtained through the use of Correct Toes."

Dr. Robert Conenello

Orangeburg, NY

"My first run in the Correct Toes was one of the many AHA moments I’ve had in a life of running. The proper function and space was now allowed in all the toes and they maintained the position in the soft gel rubber for the entire run."

Dr. Mark Cucuzzella

Shepherdstown, WV

"Correct Toes were an important part of my rehab program coming back from foot surgery and I continue to use them in training."

Evan Jager

Olympian and Professional Distance Runner

One Device, Saving You From Years of Foot Pain

How Do Toe Spacers Work?

Toe spacers work by gently separating the toes to improve their alignment and alleviate pressure on specific areas of the foot. At Correct Toes, we advocate for natural relief from foot pain and help people achieve optimal foot health.

  • Align toes to improve balance & stability.

    Similar to braces impacting the alignment of teeth, Correct Toes slowly and progressively change foot architecture. Structural changes create a wider base of support, improving balance, proprioception, gait and posture.

  • Strengthen muscles throughout feet & legs. 

    Accompanied by naturally-shaped footwear, Correct Toes encourage the foot to move, flex and bend. As muscles strengthen, the foot is able to support itself, eliminating the need for artificial arch support and orthotics.

  • Restore foot function & relieve foot pain.

    Experience the transformative effects of Correct Toes even after they are removed from the feet. This foot health tool is designed to restore toes to optimal function, relieving foot pain and issues as nature intended!

Dr. Ray McClanahan

Designed by Dr. Ray McClanahan, DPM, Correct Toes help the foot rehabilitate from the negative effects of conventionally shaped footwear.